
Thursday, November 29, 2018

articulate areas of law or areas of law in business

articulate areas of law or areas of law in business

MAKING OF BUSINESS DECISION: when a person wants to take any decision for business, this person has to think about the areas of law. There are many areas of law. Some areas are described below.

CONTRACTS OF BUSINESS: most of the business, there are some problems between individual and company. The problem is about their contract of business. One of them breaks the contract then it becomes a big problem. Then they take the way of law.

COURTS AND ITS PROCEDURES: there are some types of courts in the world which laws, rules and regulations are different. Some courts take many times to dismiss a problem for the lack of evidence.

SALES AND SERVICE: some organization or individual do not give tax to the government, do not exchange their ownership after sales, and do not sale products or services in proper rate which price was given by government.

LIABILITIES OF PROFESSIONAL: in business case professional means doctors, engineers which work is very hard. Some time a doctor failed to give proper treatment to the patient, sometimes an engineer’s failed to make something properly it goes wrong. That time people or company or government takes action for their work.

BUSINESS ORGANIZATION: some people doing illegal business which is not permitted in their country. In that case if anyone catch with their illegal products or services then government will take action for that.

AGENCY: some agencies are doing really wrong and unethical works with people or other companies. Those agencies break their contracts and try to skip their business. In that case other party takes the way of law.

TORTS: if anyone or their own things harm anyone or their own things than first party should provide the demurrage money to the other. if it not done then second party can take the way of law.

NEGOTIABLE INSTRUMENTS: in business negotiable instrument is a contractual paper where a party write amount to pay other. If the other cant withdraw that money, if this negotiable instrument proved fake than other party can take the way of law.

RIGHTS OF CREDITORS: if someone unable to pay debts to other. Then it goes wrong and someone take the decision to go court.

INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY: intellectual property includes copyright, trademark, patents, secrets of trade, and rights of publicity and so on. If those things done illegally than there are different types law to dismiss those types of problem.

E-COMMERCE: it’s a popular way of business. In that business if any one hack others website, accounts password and break online privacy and data protection. That is against of law.

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